Graduate School of Social Welfare

Graduate School of Social Welfare

In order to respond to the challenges of modern diversification and sophistication of social welfare and social security, we aim to train highly qualified specialists who can play an active role as leaders in the field of social welfare. We also aim to produce researchers with a broad perspective. Based on human rights protection, students practice in the fields of social welfare and welfare and environmental studies, and study the theory and history of social welfare and social security policies.

Master's Program of Social Welfare

The curriculum is designed to provide students with advanced expertise and problem-solving skills, as well as understanding of theories and research methods related to social welfare studies. In order to play an active role as leaders and/or researchers in the field of social welfare, many lecture courses are offered so that students can acquire advanced expertise in adjacent academic fields. Also by appropriately combining the seminars and lecture courses, we aim to develop specialized research skills backed by basic and broad knowledge on the philosophy and history of social welfare studies as well as practices and policies in the field of social welfare. The many career options for graduates include working as a professional and continuing studies in a doctoral program.

Master's Program of Social Welfare and Environment

This program aims to conduct practical and policy-related research on the social environment, pollution, and environmental destruction as a new field of social welfare studies. We recognize the concept of "social welfare and environment" broadly as the environments that realize people's well-being, that is, from the familiar living environments to the connections between people, the state of local communities, various social systems and ecological environments. Organically relating to these fields and conducting interdisciplinary research are the challenges of this program.

Doctoral Program of Social Welfare

The knowledge and academic abilities acquired during the master’s program are further advanced by theoretical and practical research conducted in the Doctoral Program of Social Welfare. The program aims at the development of professionals equipped with a high level of specialized knowledge and research abilities, who are ready to play active roles in the field of regional social welfare.
KGU is the only university in Japan which carries out research on Minamata studies, which continues from the Master’s Program of Social Welfare and Environment to the Doctoral Program of Social Welfare, and goes beyond the framework of the Minamata disease incident as a negative legacy of mankind. Minamata studies strives for recognition as an important field of research which aims to realize community reconstruction in regions which have experienced environmental pollution. This research program has been developed in cooperation with the Open Research Center for Minamata Studies.

Number of Students

Program Students (New Students)
Master's Program Doctoral Program
Social Welfare 8 (1) 7 (4)
Social Welfare and Environment 3 (0)
Total 11 (1) 7 (4)

(as of May 1, 2024)

Placement Data

Main continuing education destinations:
KGU Graduate School of Social Welfare, Doctoral Program

Main employment destinations:
Hospitals, social welfare service corporations, universities and schools, prefectural and ward offices, etc.